Have You Reviewed Your 2020 Maintenance Schedule?
The new year brings about a sense of renewal and organisation. After the craziness that comes with the Christmas and New Year period, January is a great time to reassess, refresh and get organised for the year ahead.
This can be applied to many areas of your life including your home, a commercial or residential property you manage or many areas of the resources, public or industrial sector that you work in.
What type of maintenance should be included in my 2020 maintenance schedule?
Regular maintenance is the best way to ensure you don’t end up being faced with bigger breakdowns that could have been avoided. However, what type of maintenance you require will depend on what business you’re in, what your goals are and whether you’re a residential or commercial client.
Across all the building services that we provide our customers, there are three key types of maintenance to be considered depending on your circumstances; facilities maintenance, asset maintenance and general preventative maintenance.
Facilities Maintenance – Resources & Public Sector
When it comes to our Resource Sector and Public Sector clients regular facilities maintenance is an imperative part of everyday business operations. Facilities Maintenance is described as maintenance activities that include keeping spaces, structures and infrastructure in proper operating condition in a routine fashion to prevent failure and/or avoidable degradation.
Our aim is to work with you to collaboratively create an ongoing, robust and affordable preventative maintenance schedule. Maintenance is often something that is put off every year as it is not a priority, particularly when financially times a tough. Make 2020 the year that you speak to the Trasan team about the long term costs of preventative maintenance in comparison to the unexpected costs of breakdown maintenance services. From here we will be able to create a robust plan to ensure your facilities continue to run at their best.
Asset Maintenance – Industrial Sector
You probably take your car to get serviced a few times a year and your whitegood appliances are probably also scheduled to be checked over by a professional every year or so. If your business falls within the Industrial Sector, arranging asset maintenance should also be on your annual to-do list just like it would be within your own home.
We deliver a number of different preventative maintenance programmes for industrial factories, warehouses and other industrial locations to help you reduce your ongoing spend. This ensures that your operating facilities are well maintained and managed to a high ongoing standard.
Preventative Maintenance – Commercial and Private Property
Lots of things can go wrong when not addressed early within a commercial or private property. The stability of your structure, possible leaks and damage due to weather can all start off as a small problem that is easy to fix and grow into a larger one.
Both Commercial Property and Private Property based in the Pilbara require different maintenance and attention compared to properties based within metropolitan areas such as Perth. The weather conditions, environmental factors and the isolation between properties all create unique challenges when it comes to property maintenance. As locals ourselves, our team are experts when it comes to the PIlbara region. We are trained to spot small issues that may be niche to properties located throughout the region, giving you peace of mind about your property.
The Next Steps To Plan Your Maintenance Schedule
While you’re reviewing your 2020 maintenance schedule why not check out our previous blog “The Importance of Preventative Maintenance for Your Property”. For more information get in touch with our team by submitting an Online Contact Form or giving us a call on 9185 5482.
Our team will be able to review the information you’ve put together and walk you through the best and most cost effective way to plan your schedule for 2020 and beyond. This will ensure there is minimal disruption to your business or property and keep everything running as smoothly as possible.