Be Prepared: Pre-Construction Planning Sets You Up For Success
When it comes to discussing building services, there is always a big focus on the actual construction process of a build. But did you know that pre-construction planning and post construction planning are just as important as the build itself? Benjamin Franklin once said, “by failing to prepare, you are preparing to fail”. Adequate preparation and planning is the foundation that sets you up for a successful build.
When it comes to pre-construction planning, there is a lot of work that goes in. The Trasan team are dedicated to ensure you have the best experience throughout your build, and this is done with concise planning. So if you’re at the stage of starting to plan your next construction build, here is an insight into the importance of pre-construction planning with Trasan.
Pre-Construction Planning with the Pilbara Locals
Spending the time to properly plan your construction process, makes good business sense. It’s during this time you can ask any questions and set up realistic expectations of what’s involved in the project, how long it’s going to take and key roles and responsibilities. This ensures all parties are on the same page and ready to tackle the project ahead as a cohesive team.
With over 20 years experience within the Pilbara region, the Trasan team have worked on a variety of different construction projects. This experience allows us to tailor the pre-planning process to your business and plan for any unexpected outcomes.
Types of Consultancy, Advice and Guidance
When it comes to pre-construction planning, every business is different. We never offer a one size fits all approach to pre-construction planning, instead we work with our clients to create a tailored service offering. Some types of consultancy, advice and guidance we offer our clients include:
- The various stages of pre-construction planning, including concept analysis
- Preventative maintenance options
- Budget planning and estimates
- Product, supplier and material considerations and recommendations
- Project management, including planning and scheduling
- Project team selection, we offer a range of preferred supplier and labour hire options.
- Creation of quality monitoring plans and reporting, so that everyone is on the same page and expectations can be met throughout the build process.
Our consultancy, advice and guidance comes from a well-respected and experienced team of individuals who can help you plan for even the most complex project.
More Information
For more information about the planning process of a construction build have a read of one of our previous blog posts, Trasan’s 5-Step Approach to Consultation and Planning or head to the Consultation and Planning section of our website. For a more in-depth conversation about the pre-planning process, give us a call on 9185 5482 or submit an Online Contact Enquiry, and we will be in touch.